Zizou has cemented the stereotypical analysis of all footballers are stupid.
When a club attempt to illegally tap up a player and arrange with a media outlet to unsettle a player on such a large scale and claim to have a good relationship must be mentally unstable.
The sheer nerve of the guy is unbelieveable.
The club need to report Tap'em Up Madrid, Perez and Zizou as each of them have said they will not give up (even though Spurs don't want to sell). It is a blatant disregard for the rules set out by the authorities but they have no interest in doing any job as they are as corrupt as the clubs such as Tap'em Up Madrid.
I cannot wait for Bale to stay and show his class. As a player why would you want to go to club that destroys everything football stood for. Madrid take what they want and still fail to achieve what other clubs that live by the rules achieve without these needless acts? Bayern and Utd are prime examples of this or rather they are not as ridiculous as potentially the second best train Spain (Barca are the best team).
Bale will make the right decision and it will be to avoid Tap'em Up Madrid like the plague (I think that best describes the supposed club).