Basically to cut a long story short any "rival" club is not going to help the other out, whether its right, wrong or in between. Some fans have not forgotton the rivalry but have laid it to rest and others never cared.
For me I love the banter, speaking to your friends, family members or work colleagues and rubbing each other up. Friendly rivalry is what is needed.
David Gold on the other hand is completely unaware of the true side of football though. No club will weaken their squad to help others. At no point was it 100% that Ade was going anywhere as a replacement was not lined up. Its common sense, but it seems that Gold has allowed his frustration to rule his head on this occassion.
However maybe a bit of it in fact was sign to West Ham that they should have helped us out when looking for a ground share. Mr Gold was very quick to forget that Karen Brady opened her mouth to scream that she wouldn't have West Ham helping Tottenham, but yet Gold expected us to help them when they want something for nothing!
For me football is football, business is business and it needs to stay that way. On a business level West Ham refused to help Tottenham so the favour was returned.
A fan whether it be West Ham, Tottenham or any other would have made the deicsion to leave themselves short up front for the benefit of another club.
Hopefully its a good talking point to get you all going!
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