Reminder of the role of an agent!

Last updated : 29 May 2013 By Hog

There are a vast number of articles now printed off of the back of "Bale's Agent" who made comments that HE would be interested in talking with Real Madrid.

Interestingly enough that is his job! He would not be an agent unless he stated this, but of course why was he even there (to comment) in the first place?

As an agent you must get the best deal for your client and a move to Madrid (with the now handsome sum of €90million being touted) would be a whooping return for any agency, so the interest is purely on his side and with his dirty little child’s fingers ready to grab the offer.

Now although this has been said what is likely is that the agent now wants to up Bale's salary to what was offered originally by Tottenham. So again it is a win/ win for these urchins!

The likelihood is that Bale will move next summer and will spend one last season at Tottenham (which is also being said quite clearly), however what is not clear is that if the team performed well next season (let's say 3rd or above) what then? I think Bale would stay on another year.

So although the supposed agent has come out and said all this, it does not mean a thing other than he wants to talk (not Bale). 

Let's clarify what this means. Madrid have made an illegal approach through this agent and the agent has seen what he would make out of it. So now he is doing Madrid’s dirty work and going public and essentially backing Bale into a corner. As always though Tap 'Em Up Madrid are playing dirtier than ever and in my opinion I think the government in Spain should stop laundering their money through such a blood sucking source. I will publically state for the record that I strongly believe that Madrid are making illegal approaches and Tottenham should be filing an official complaint against them.

Down with Madrid and anyone other underhanded people that deal with them. I have a pure hatred for these filthy tactics and my views on Madrid are getting worse and worse. Any club could do this with their governments funds behind them, mindlessly offering crazy money will turn anyone’s head! But for me I would be savvy enough to realise that Madrid are not the special source.


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