If we all remember Bendtner received an £80,000 for showing some sponsored boxer shorts and the Serbian FA put out a £60,000 slap round the face fine!
I think that this is outrageous, even worse that 2 of our players received a ban. It is about time that teh governing bodies take their balls out of their wife's handbags and took a stand for what is right.
To act in such a way when all of the worlds eyes are on you (espcially children) £100,000 per player may suit and a 5 yr ban. UEFA are right to say that they will step in, but its what they do (when stepping in) that counts! It is likely that nothing further will come from this and I feel that UEFA & FIFA will have let the people, players and game down if they do not.
Either way it was a shocking day for the footballing world and just another sign of Blatter and Platini's inabilty to run the governing bodies of football.
If you ask me Well Done to Tom Ince and our own Steven Caulker I would have done far worse to those racist idiots!
Email me on hogggatspursmad@hotmail.com or follow me on www.facebook.com/TottenhamMad or Twitter THspurs Mad.